Every year I give myself a word. A word that anchors me and reminds me what I’m working towards. This year it was ‘explore’, last year it was ‘balance’, the year before ‘empowerment’ and ‘surrender’ the year before that.
Surrender reminded me to let go of control at times of great uncertainty. Empowerment nudged me to make decisions from a place of wholeness rather than scarcity. Balance was my attempt to prioritise life outside of work. And Explore, my word for 2022, was born from post wedding restlessness — ‘What now?’
Explore led me to an art residency in Siena that snapped me out of my creative funk; to countless markets where Matteo and I developed a newfound love of vintage interiors; and to ultimately starting a newsletter, where I was forced to face my fear of writing and continue to explore myself, and others, on a deeper level.
And now, with the new year fast approaching, I’ve been mulling over my word for 2023.
In truth, I’ve been feeling like there’s a big chunk of myself that I didn’t explore this year. A side that often wants to come out when I’m painting but feels restrained for some reason.
Even when I’m able to tap into a state of ‘flow’, I can hear my year 10 art teacher saying, “My gosh Jessica, you’re the most tentative person I’ve ever met”, as she once remarked while peering over at my neat painting of an intricate rose.
And, though brutal, there was truth to her words. And there still is. I find it difficult to be messy, silly, uninhibited. And I think it holds me back, in both my creativity and my relationships.
As Esther Perel says, ‘Play is the infinite testing ground for creativity. When kids play, they’re exploring the world. They’re looking at what works and what doesn't without having to be practical.’
There is a beautiful freedom in play that requires a willingness to let your guard down, laugh at yourself and love yourself unconditionally. Picasso famously said, ‘It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.’
So, having conferred with close friends over dinner last week, I landed on my word for 2023: PLAY.
And after a bit of open discussion the others found theirs, too —
Matteo’s word is Energy
Grace’s word is Momentum
Lena’s word is Empower
Zach’s word is Breathe
And your word is?
I’d love to know.