December always feels like a rush to the finish line.
There are endless things to do before Christmas and not enough hours in the day, yet it feels like everything is telling me to slow down. My energy is low, my back is sore, and the sun is setting at 4pm.
So, despite the fact that I am ‘meant’ to be in the studio today finishing a large piece, I am instead curled up on the sofa with a cup of ginger tea, thinking about my ‘word’ for the year.
As you know, every year I give myself a word in lieu of resolutions. One Word that serves as an anchor or a north star, guiding me towards something I want to work on or unlock.
Many of you joined me this year, so I thought I'd check in.
How did your One Word for 2023 go? Did you face any resistance? Discover anything new about yourself?
I asked Matteo how his word, ‘energy’, went, and he said, ‘I kind of forgot about it.’ But the more we spoke, the more he realised his energy had completely transformed this year, for many reasons that were fascinating to unpack.
So, even if you forgot about your word, I encourage you to reflect on your year through its lens. A sort of ‘audit’ of the year that’s been, before jumping into the new year ahead.
I’ll report back soon with what I learnt from a year of ‘Play’.
In the meantime, I'd love to hear about your experience? What was your word and how did you find it?
P.S. Now is also a great time to start thinking about your word for 2024 — take it for a spin for a few days and see whether it is aligned with the direction you want to move towards next year (short video here).