Mar 10Liked by Jessica Yolanda Kaye

Congratulations on being bad at podcasting! ๐Ÿ˜Š You did a great job! I love the idea of allowing ourselves to be bad at something. Brene Brown talks about writing permission slips. I write them when I am struggling with something or need to remind myself to have fun. So, I am giving myself permission to be bad at French and watercolor and to have fun with both. I look forward to your next podcast!!

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Thank you, Susan! I love the idea of permission slips! Such a simple cue to get out of that critical mindset and be more open to play and exploration. Exciting ๐Ÿฅฐ

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Mar 12Liked by Jessica Yolanda Kaye

I give myself permission to let go of limiting beliefs. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Jul 19Liked by Jessica Yolanda Kaye


Ciao Jessica e Matteo vi scrivo in italiano cosรฌ Matteo potrร  esprimersi in italiano e testare se stesso, io lo faccio ogni giorno per anni con il mio inglese ๐Ÿ˜.

Seguendo i vostri link sono arrivata a questo famoso e potente talk di Steve Jobs. Ho sempre adorato la sua tenacia, la sua creativitร  e il suo modo di essere sempre in contatto con se stesso, con lโ€™essenza di chi รจ lui.



My next step is to be really really really bad in English

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Mar 20Liked by Jessica Yolanda Kaye

Frikkin love this.

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